Happy Birthday Gracie!!! What can I say, except time goes by way to fast. Gracie turned 6 years old on March 2
nd. She of course was counting down to this day since Christmas. I just can't believe how fast she has grown up. Since she has started school this year she has changed so much. The way she looks, the way she talks, her confidence has increased. For so many years she wouldn't do anything without me holding her hand and never wanted me to leave her alone anywhere. Now she doesn't want me to go anywhere, she wants to be so independent. Truthfully I have a hard time with it. I think part of it is just realizing how quickly she is growing up. But we love you Gracie. You are such a great big sister. You are so helpful and you have such a great whit about you. You really keep us on our toes. You bring so much laughter do our lives. It has been so fun to watch you grow up and see how much you are changing. Dylan just loves you!!! He chases you around till you tease him and chase him back. He loves to take you to the bus in the morning but gets so excited when we go to pick you up after school. You can always get him to laugh and he loves to copy you. You have been such a big help to me this year. Happy Birthday I hope you had a great day!!!

Her birthday was on a Tuesday so I thought we would start the day with a "pancake" cake. Since that is what she requested for her birthday breakfast.
Deven was already at work, but Dylan and I sang to her before school and let her blow out her candle.

She wanted a new bike since she outgrew her other one, but mom messed up and got one that was way to big. I didn't know it made that much difference, but it did. She was a little disappointed when she tried to get on it and her feet didn't touch the ground. So I promised her as soon as she got home from school, we would take that one back and she could pick out one that fit. She was
ok with that. It was going to be a fun day at school as well. I got to bring cupcakes in for her class and she got to wear a birthday crown. Of course she loved that.

We had her birthday party on Saturday. We decided to have it at Burger King this year. It just seemed like it would be the least stressful for me. It turned out to be a lot of fun. The kids played, ate, and ran their little hearts out. I love it because I didn't have to clean anything or worry about anything getting broke. They could run and play all they wanted.

This year I decided I wanted to try something new. I had never made candy succors before and so I thought that would be fun to try. It was a lot of fun and I thought they turned out cute.

Gracie with her birthday cake. As you can see she just wanted everything to be pink and purple. I threw in some green since there would be boys there.

Gracie after all the craziness. We love you so much and are glad you had a great birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, Miss Gracie! Wow, the time has sure flown. It's crazy to think she's already 6. I'm sure she's a great big sister, and I can tell how Dylan loves her. It's no wonder. She's such a sweetheart! It looks like she had a fun couple of days celebrating. :o)
OH, I can't wait to see you guys 3 more days or something crazy. I might have to pull an all nighter one of these nights but it will be worth it.
At what age do you think we should teach our children about modesty...He He...I knew you would love me for this comment!!!
How fun - Happy Birthday, Gracie!!! What a great idea to have the party at BK.
The suckers are so cute!
ps...have fun with your sister visiting!
Happy Birthday Gracie. What a good idea suckers.Suckers turned out great.Anya wants a ladybug cake will see how it turns out. I love how Gracie is so out going, she is a cutie.
P.S. I love the flower in your hair.
those suckers are so cute. they turned out really cute. Happy birthdya gracie. The party looks like so much fun. Glad you had such a fun birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACIE!!! looks like she had a good time :)
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