Well this was not exactly how we wanted to spend our weekend, but it had to be done. We live in an association and they have been after us for along time to fix our yard. When we moved in the yard was dying and we tried everything we could to keep it alive but ground cover and weeds kept coming up and pretty soon there were more weeds than lawn. We were told by the association we had to fix it. We had no choice but to put a new yard in.
Deven and I thought really hard about what to do and decided we didn't want to deal with grass so we decided on a rock garden.
Deven had to take a couple of days off work so we could put it in. We worked on it all day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
In fact, we put the last rocks down as it was getting to dark to see but we did it. Not exactly the way we wanted to use some of
Deven's days off, but we had no choice. Anyways, we think it turned out better than we thought. We really weren't sure what we were doing, we had the image in our mind, but we were just making it up as we went along. So I don't like to brag but this is one time we are proud of all our hard work. Dylan was such a trooper and sat in his pack and play for almost 2 days straight but he was so good for us. Gracie helped us lay down rock and would get the water for us, when we needed it. Thanks to Audra for letting her come and play when she lost her attention span so we could get things done and thanks for sending over Bobby we enjoyed having his slave labor for the afternoon. Now we have to clean out the cars as they are covered in dirt and rocks from all of the hauling we had to do. So that will be my project tomorrow as well as the garage. We have red dirt here and it can make quite a mess. Lucky ME!!!

Looks great! Well worth the work. Congrats on your run. You look fab.
the yard looks great and deven that is a sweet ride. Glad you guys got the yard done.
Wow, I'm impressed with your yard! It's so rewarding - now that it's over. :o) You guys did a great job.
Your yard looks amazing! I can't believe how good the sun looks! I miss that! Your kids are so cute!
it looks beautiful! good job!
Your yard looks wonderful. All of the hard work paid off. Way to go.
LOOKS GREAT!!!! did you guys get new wheels? I've always loved Jags!
Oh man.. everyone else stole my comments about nice yard and nice ride!!
bummer...see you in 2 weeks.
So are we supposed to be looking at the yard or Deven's car? (They both look pretty dang good)
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