We had a rough week last week but managed to have a great weekend. We had a flu bug that we just passed around. Good thing is was only a 24 hour bug, but we couldn't all get it at once we took turns all week long being sick. Gracie started it off, passed it to
Deven, who gave it to Gracie, and of course I was the last one and ended up with it on Friday. But Saturday came and we were ready to get out of the house. We had a great weekend. We started to put our yard in, had a great valentines day, I got to participate in the Great Aloha Run, and we even got in some beach time. So here are a few pictures of it all. At the top is the me finishing the race. There were close to 20,000 participants. So the top picture is just after I crossed the finish line. The race started at the Great Aloha Tower in Honolulu and ended at the stadium.

My biggest fans. Gracie was so excited to come cheer me on. Her kindergarten teacher was also running it and she told her she was going to be there to cheer her on as well. She was really disappointed that we didn't see Mrs. Scott.

I was finally able to get some new pictures of Dylan. He is now 10 months old. He is such a happy, sweet boy. At his last appointment he weighed 23lbs. He is my chunky monkey. We just love it. He is so squeezable.

We asked Gracie what she thought about Valentines and she said it was a time to exchange lots of treats and cards. So we thought it would be fun to decorate her door with and get her lots of treats.

We did well. She was so excited. Dylan didn't quite know what was going on. But we still decorated his door and made him a giant cookie as well. He just wanted to smash it, but it was still fun.

We decided to do something different on Valentines and go have breakfast on the beach. The kids were up at 6 am so we made some yummy breakfast and headed out to watch the sun rise. The kids just had fun playing in the sand and we enjoyed a relaxing morning.

We went down to
Waikiki beach on Saturday and of course had to get our favorite melon pops at the store across the street. Dylan loved them. He sat there grunting until he could get a lick.

Gracie just loved to tease him with her
Popsicle. Poor little guy he just wanted some licks. We will finish putting our yard in this week.
Deven worked so hard on it Monday afternoon. After he was all sweaty we decided he needed a break and headed up to sharks cove for some snorkeling and ended with a fire pit and
smores. I of course always forget my camera, but it was a great way to end the long weekend.
Way to go on your race. I loved Gracie's Door for Valentines Day.
Cute baby of course.
wow, what a great weekend!
You rock! I'm so proud of you for running that race. It looks like you guys had such a fun weekend. I wish we had that kind of warmth here. :o)
How fun! Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Glad your all feeling better now :)
what a fun weekend. Dylans picures are so cute. That is a great idea for breakfast on the beach.
I want to go. A girl I work with just got back from Hawaii. I would love to have ran with you. I always love a sunrise.
You better watch out...I have a personal trainer and he is getting me tip top running shape!!!
Oh, that looks like so much fun. I'm jealous you're that in shape to run that much. I'm also jealous that you had those huge cookies for Valentine's day. U going to save me one? I'll be there in a just a few more weeks!!!
Whenever I read your posts I want to move to Hawaii, especially when I look out my window and there is snow clear up to my trampoline! You are so great for running that and I love that you decorated your kids doors for Valentines. Those cookies are huge...did you make them? Anyways, great reading your posts!
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