After much anticipation Matt and Lisa finally came. It was such a great week. This week reminded us of how lucky we are to live in Hawaii and of how much we love family. Now if there were just some way to combine it all. None the less we had a jammed pack week full of fun. (I did two different posts because this is my scrapbook as well and I wanted to capture all of are memories the best I could) We started off with snorkeling at Sharks Cove,
Matsumotos, and the shrimp trucks. We then spent that evening down in Honolulu. The next day we headed to White Plains for some surfing. Matt was really nervous about sharks and we weren't sure if he would get in the water. Well it turns out we couldn't get him out of the water. He was a natural at surfing and he became addicted. That night we hiked the light house and saw whales. Tuesday we started off early with a hike to the top of Diamond Head. From there we headed over to Bellows Beach for some boogie boarding and we topped off the evening with a couples date on a dinner cruise down at Waikiki. Wednesday we of course did the swap meet and the Dole Pineapple Plantation. We got to enjoy another couples date that night at
Haleiwa Joes on the North Shore. Thursday we got up early and drove over to the other side of the Island to
Kaneohe. We rented a boat over there and took it out to a giant sandbar in the bay. It was cloudy and a bit chilly but so beautiful and so much fun. We had the sandbar all to ourselves and it was amazing. After that we went and checked into our beach Cottage in
Kaneohe. This was such a great evening. We had a private beach and we enjoyed snorkeling, some book reading, BBQ steaks on our lanai and of course we ended with a fire pit that evening and
smores. From there we headed over to the Polynesian Cultural Center, but we first stopped at the temple in
Laie. We enjoyed a Luau at the
PCC and the night show. Saturday was there last day but we kept going. We did Pearl Harbor in the morning and then went back for Matt and
Deven to surf one more time. That night Gracie had her first hula performance at
Mililani Town Center. She was so excited to have Matt and Lisa come watch. We were so proud of her she is a natural. Of course all good things must end and it did. They flew out late that night. But it was a week I will always remember. We had such a great time. We laughed and laughed and then laughed some more. It was great to have Lisa here when we found out my mom was in the hospital we were able to cry together and it was comforting to have each other when we didn't know what was going on. She ended up having surgery on Monday and has a had a rocky recovery. But I was able to talk to her tonight and they think she will be able to go home tomorrow. This is when it is hard to be so far away. But I love you mom and wish I could be there!!!

The shrimp trucks in
Halewia. The boys loved it and snuck up there one more time on Saturday before they flew home.

Of course what is the North Shore without shaved ice. YUMMY!!!

Our night down in Honolulu.

Matt and
Deven getting ready to start there surfing adventure. These two boys are "two peas in a pod" They are both wild and crazy, but that makes for fun adventures.

Matt and Lisa on the Light house hike. We love this picture.

Dylan and I hiking up.

Our Diamond Head adventure.

Bellows beach. It really says Aloha. But I know Matt was making fun of us because are "A" and "l" blend together and he kept saying "Where's

Dylan with his cracker and sand face.

Enjoying our "non alcoholic" Mai
tai on our dinner cruise.
Deven and I enjoying the sunset on top of the boat. Down below is all 4 of us enjoying the evening.

Haleiwa Joe's. This is one of our favorite places to eat. The boys got brave this time and ordered a special where they got the whole fish on there plate. It looks a little crazy, but it was really good. We all tried it, probably the best fish I have ever had.

The four of us at dinner.
Shirlyn that looks like so much fun! I'm so glad you had some visitors. I hope your mom is doing okay. These pictures really make me want to take a trip there. Maybe I can talk Collin into HI for our 10th next year.
what a fun week. I am glad that you got to escape reality for a week.
I'm so glad Lisa and Matt came to visit. It sounds like a lot of fun. How's your mom doing now? I hope she'll be okay.
It was the best week ever!!! Can't wait to do it again...hopefully Christmas!!
Wonderful pictures! I'm so glad you were able to have family come and visit! I'm so sorry about your monther, and hope she is doing okay!!!
By the way, you guys are totally kama'aina now, so no more of this "shaved ice" - that's tourist talk! Here it's "shave ice," girl!
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