Sorry to my family I guess I am lagging behind. Thanks for all the text messages to remind me to update the blog. We really have been busy. Of course we have been at the beach again. Gracie had a great time with one of her little friends. They were trying to learn how to boogie board. We went over to bellows beach. This is one of our favorites. The funny thing is Deven got stung by a man of war (they are mini jelly fish) twice. I had no sympathy the second time he knew they were out there yet he still wanted to boogie board. A little spray of vinegar and the burning eased up some. We were trying to enjoy the weekend as Deven starts a new rotation next week and I will have my first taste of being single mom his first weekend he is on call so wish me luck I don't like to sleep by myself in my house alone but I better get use to it this will be the first of many.

Deven giving Gracie a ride on his boogie board. She yells hit it and then has Deven take off like she is knee boarding. It is really cute. On a side note she said the prayer in Sunbeams this last week. Her teacher said she said "thank you that we can go on the house boat at lake Powell and thank you that we can sleep up on top" I thought is was so funny especially because we weren't able to go on the house boat this year.

Our family at Three Tables this has become our favorite beach up on the North Shore. In a couple of weeks the surf is suppose to start to get really big so we are trying to enjoy it as long as we can.

Deven went scuba diving again. I couldn't go this time. I haven't been feeling very well and didn't feel up to the task. But Deven found a friend to go with him. They dove Sharks Cove. I was sad I missed it. It is suppose to be an amazing dive. Deven saw a turtle and a huge eel. I need to get his pictures developed. The said the coral formation was amazing.

Deven getting ready to go into Sharks Cove. This is a great Snorkeling spot as well Some say it is better than Hananamah Bay. Deven thinks it is. It is really rocky to you have to wear reed shoes. But Gracie and I just waded out and fish were swimming all around us.

So I needed to post pictures of more than just the beach. We had a play group scheduled for the park but of course it rained. Well Amanda and I decided we didn't care we wanted to get out of the house. We went to the park and they played on the Tennis court the whole time running in the rain making rain angels in the puddles. They even tried drinking them. It is still warm when it rains so sometimes you do what you got to do They played forever in the rain it was fun.

Gracie finally got Deven to let her bury him in the sand. She worked really hard at getting deven to hold still so she could bury him. (I am not sure how you spell bury anyways as long as everyone gets it)
So fun!! I want to live where I have a choice of beaches!
That looks like a ton of fun! I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon so you can "hit it!" as Gracie says, and dive with Deven.
Great pictures of the beach.Cute pictures of Deven and Gracie. Good luck as you start the being a "single mom".
I have been a "single mom" for a year now. Tyler is in class for 40 hours a week, plus studing and every thing else we never get to see him. Landon usually wakes up after he is gone and goes to sleep before he comes home.
Hey Cox's! We had a big get together for Tami's 50th bday and your family told me all about the blog. It's fun to see your house and all of the good times your having on the beach. The Hawaiian lifestyle looks rough. :-( I'm really jealous. Glad to see your all doing well.
We love the beach pics - Looks like you're getting some great tans! Good luck with all the adjustments. Derek was in Georgia for training for 3 months last summer. It was really hard to get used to for the first couple nights, then I liked having the whole bed and it was harder to get used to being together again:) Take Care!
nice pictures. i love that the girls played in the rain. why not? what great memories you're making
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