Well it turns out
Deven got Labor Day off!!!! Yeah we loved it and he did so much yard work for me today. I should have taken pictures may be next time. He planted me new plants and trimmed up all the trees and shrubs it looked great. So we had to take some time to celebrate. Today our stake had a what they call Family Fun Fest. It was at the stake center and they had set up carnival rides and all sorts of slides and jumping
gadgets. We had a ward pot luck and then of course they had cotton candy and snow cones and popcorn. Gracie thought it was awesome. Her favorite ride was this shark slide. I wish you could have seen her face when she came out the first time we weren't sure if she liked it she looked so unsure until she said "that was so fast I want to do it again."

Gracie and mommy in front of her favorite slide "Jaws"

Gracie coming down the slide. Its too bad my camera delayed on taking the picture her face coming down was priceless. She is getting so brave.

Gracie and her friends on the train ride.

Of course on a hot day nothing was more refreshing than a wonderful snow cone.

At the ward picnic Gracie was enjoying her
pixie stick.

Deven being a little more busy this month we spent one evening down at the park we like to take Gracie's car out and let her ride it around the tennis courts. She has so much fun she pretends to go to the store and of course
McDonald's. I just enjoy watching her play and we both love a little fresh air.

On Sunday night
Deven was
desparte to play guitar hero and so he convinced Gracie she wanted to play to she thought it was so neat but was complaining the guitar was to heavy to play standing up so she decided to sit down to jam. I must say she was a natural.
Unfortunatley real life starts again tomorrow.
Deven is on call again and I need to be prepared for a long day. We will find some way to get out and make the day a little more bearable. I think this week will be long so we are just going to have to have a good attitude, and I guess we'll just have to have fun without
now THAT"S a ward party!!! Looks like a ton of fun!
Your family is so cute. What a great ward party! I love her in the car. My girls would be sooo jeolous. They want one so bad.
shirlyn you can take this time to get really good at guitar hero nad blow deven away when he wants to play next. :)
I can relate to having a husband that isn't around much. It does get boring but we just have to make the best of it! Looks like a way fun ward party. You are lucky to be where you are!
The ward party looked like it was a lot of fun. Don't worry you will become a pro at killing time while Deven is away in no time. Trust me!
What a fun day! Sounds like you were right at a Fair.
hey shirlyn,
do you know Delbert Kim. He was in the stake presidency along with George Parkhurst. Anyways, bro. Kim owns an amusement park company so I was wondering if that stuff was his. Anyways, enjoy yourselves,
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