So today we took another Sunday drive out to Liae Point. It is kind of by the temple, but I read about this spot in a magazine and wanted to go check it out. It is a small peninsula that goes out into the ocean and from it you can see so much coast line of Hawaii on the one side and on the other there is a big rock that extends out. Legend has it this was known as a lizard that was to protect the Island from any intruders. A definite must see for anyone who comes out here.

Gracie was a little apprehensive out on the rocks but she thought they were so cool she just didn't want to get to close to the edge. I can respect that I didn't want to either.

Deven standing on one side of the peninsula and you can see all the amazing coast line behind him, the sad part is my camera only captured about half of it. It was amazing, a great place to sit and enjoy.

Gracie and I sitting and in the background you can see the great rock and known in legends as the great lizard or protector.

Ok so one night we went up to sunset beach to of course watch the sunset. Deven and Gracie got in. I am kind of particular about when will get in the water so I decided to be a picture taker instead. You have to admit there is a reason this is called sunset beach. It was amazing watching the sun go down.

Deven enjoying a little swim at dusk.

Yikes. Yes I told you we went scuba diving again and I finally got some pictures. I say Yikes because I just got done watching shark week on the discovery channel. Oh yeah and Hawaii was only mentioned a "hundred times" has having sharks. I can't believe I did it. I guess it is a good thing you don't know things before you go. Deven is wondering if he will ever get me back in the water scuba diving and to that I say I'm not sure.

We ran into some other scuba divers out there and they took a picture of us under water. It really was fun. I didn't see any sharks.
Hey we went there to laie point when we were there, its fun to see familar pictures. Your awesome for scuba diving I am not sure I could do that! Pictures look like fun!
It is fun to hear about your adventures. Tyler enjoys hearing them verry much, he always sayes oh i have been there, or i've seen that! we wish we could come visit, but not till we are finished with school!
As always fun and adventures pictures. I am glad your enjoy scuba diving. Thanks for tagging me now everyone will know how crazy and wierd I am. j/k.
cewbvThat is so cool that rock. i want to go see it let me know how to get there.
Those pictures are awesome. Looks like you are having a fun time in Hawaii.
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