Gracie after all was said and done. After we got done opening gifts we made a big breakfast with walnut pancakes, eggs, and bacon (something we never seem to do anymore either since Deven leaves so early) We just enjoyed watching Gracie play with her new toys and then headed to the beach for some afternoon fun. It was so relaxing and I must admit I enjoyed the sun on Christmas a little more than I thought I would. A neighbor of ours invited us over for Christmas dinner and so that is how we ended the day. We definitely missed being around family but as promised here is are way of sharing our day with you enjoy. P.S. On a side note my brother Lee just got home from his mission tonight. I am excited to call and talk to him tomorrow. I wish we could have come home for it, but soon enough we will be making a trip. Welcome home Lee
Saturday, December 27, 2008
We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas
Gracie after all was said and done. After we got done opening gifts we made a big breakfast with walnut pancakes, eggs, and bacon (something we never seem to do anymore either since Deven leaves so early) We just enjoyed watching Gracie play with her new toys and then headed to the beach for some afternoon fun. It was so relaxing and I must admit I enjoyed the sun on Christmas a little more than I thought I would. A neighbor of ours invited us over for Christmas dinner and so that is how we ended the day. We definitely missed being around family but as promised here is are way of sharing our day with you enjoy. P.S. On a side note my brother Lee just got home from his mission tonight. I am excited to call and talk to him tomorrow. I wish we could have come home for it, but soon enough we will be making a trip. Welcome home Lee
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Merry Christmas Everyone
I just wanted to say to everyone Merry Christmas. If you have snow enjoy it for us!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Deven's Week Off

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
It is not too late to order Christmas Cards...

Hey everyone my sister has started a little business doing graphic design. Right now her focus is custom Christmas Cards. If you are interested here are her prices...
(30) 4" x 8" $20
(32) 5" x 7" $30
(27) 4" x 6" $15 postcards
(27) 4" x 6"
Here is an example of her work with my last years Christmas photo.
All you have do to is email her your family picture and then she can mail your cards to her.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving and kicking off the Holidays
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's a BOY!!!
Well, we finally got a peek and found out it's a boy!!! We are excited and have a lot of shopping to do. Deven was more than thrilled as he was so worried about the girl to boy ratio getting out of control and really being out numbered. Gracie took it a little bit hard in the beginning (she really wanted a sister) but she is getting more excited as we talk about it. We are excited to have one of each.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Good Times
I haven't updated in a while and was down loading pictures and realized I was getting behind. Today Gracie and I went to the park with her friend Cordin. It had been raining all night and it didn't take them long to find the mud. They rolled around in it and put their faces in it. I almost forgot to take a picture before rinsing off outside. She was covered from head to toe, but she had fun and that was matters. 
Deven had Sunday off and it was a rainy day. We decided to go for a drive to Pali Lookout and then see if we could find a Sunny part of the island and have a picnic dinner. This wasn't the nicest beach but there was no rain and the sun was going down so we decided it was perfect.

Gracie kept asking us if this was a volcano and I can see how she thought that. This is one of my favorite sights in Hawaii as you drive to the other side of the island the mountain peaks are so high the clouds just rest on them and it does look like a volcano.

Gracie and I at Pali lookout. I forgot how windy it is up there. It is up in the mountains and you can look out and see the Windward side of the Island. Legend has it they use to push people off these cliffs so hold on tight so you don't blow over.

Gracie kept asking us if this was a volcano and I can see how she thought that. This is one of my favorite sights in Hawaii as you drive to the other side of the island the mountain peaks are so high the clouds just rest on them and it does look like a volcano.

Gracie and I at Pali lookout. I forgot how windy it is up there. It is up in the mountains and you can look out and see the Windward side of the Island. Legend has it they use to push people off these cliffs so hold on tight so you don't blow over.
Friday, November 7, 2008
I need to be more thankful

Sunday, October 26, 2008
Looking forward to Halloween
Well this Sunday was the primary program. This was Gracie's first year participating. Deven had to work and he was really sad he missed it. I wish I could have recorded it. Of course I thought Gracie did a great job. She said her part without any hesitation and was so proud of herself. She tried to sing every song I saw her lips moving throughout. She kept waving to me and of course I was so proud, yet at the same time she is growing up and it is so crazy to see how grown up she has become. On a fun note, Gracie and I have been counting down the days till High School Musical 3 came out. I am not sure how she came to like it ( I am sure we can thank the older cousins) None the less we went to see it and had so much fun. She was so entertained and couldn't stop talking about how much she loved it. Deven came with us and he even admitted it was a pretty good show. 

For Halloween Gracie wanted to be a dalmation puppy. I looked all over and I all I could find was hot furry costumes. She would melt here in Hawaii, so we decided to make her a girlie dalmation. She has already got to wear her costume once to a Halloween Birthday party and can't wait for Halloween to wear it again.

For Halloween Gracie wanted to be a dalmation puppy. I looked all over and I all I could find was hot furry costumes. She would melt here in Hawaii, so we decided to make her a girlie dalmation. She has already got to wear her costume once to a Halloween Birthday party and can't wait for Halloween to wear it again.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
A Guilty Confession
Well this weekend was Deven's 4 day weekend. I had been counting it down since the rotation started. I was only seeing Deven for about 2 hours a day and I kept telling myself just hold on till his 4 day weekend. Well the weekend came and unfortunately he had a PT test Friday morning so it was at 5:30 a.m. so naturally when he came home he wanted to sleep for a little while, we had a late start but finally ventured out for the afternoon and went to Kailua to check out that side of the island. I couldn't help but notice he just wasn't feeling like himself, he was really tired and he was starting to develop a cough. Well the next day Gracie was so excited for him to come to her gymnastics class and then the rest of the day was going to be so fun.... or so I thought. He was not doing well and after gymnastics we ended up coming home and he slept the rest of the day. I was trying so hard to be understanding but by the night, I must admit I was really disappointed. I went to bed crying. Sunday he tried to go to church and he didn't even make it through sacrament meeting he went home early. He thought he was feeling better that night as we had invited some friends over for dinner, but by the end of the night he was having high fever and his cough picked up. He didn't even make it work on Monday. Finally Tuesday we decided he needed to go get something for his cough. He stopped in to talk to the ER doctors about what he should do for work that night and they told him he had been exposed to microplasm (or something like that) apparently it is a really bad bacteria and it causes pneumonia. So they had him get a chest X ray and sure enough he has pneumonia. Now I feel a little bit better not that I didn't believe him when he said he didn't feel well I was just feeling sorry for myself and thinking why now why this weekend. They now have him on antibiotics and other things so hopefully he will get feeling better. He kept saying he didn't feel good and I kept thinking I have been sick for the past 14 weeks and I just keep getting told to hang in there it will pass (so part of me was thinking the same thing. Suck it up.) I told him I felt really bad and I really do hope he gets feeling better.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
A Little Miracle....and other fun stuff
Well a lot has been going on in our lives lately. I have only seen Deven one day in the last two weeks. He has had to work every weekend and today is the 2nd day he has had off. I have been trying not to complain but we have been lonely without him. He works 12 hour shifts right now so he gets up at 4 a.m. and gets home around 7 p.m. Just in time to help put Gracie to bed and then he is fast asleep on the couch so I have to wake him up to go to bed. He starts nights tomorrow we will see how that goes. I think this would all be easier on me but we are letting everybody know we are expecting baby #2. It has all come as a shock and as a miracle in our lives. We have been trying for years and were finally told our best shot would be invitro. So we started all the lab work and testing and as soon as we got here we started going to an infertility specialist. I had just finished up all the lab work and was actually going in to set up an invitro date when we found out I was pregnant. Then we went through and ectopic scare as I was having a lot of cramping and with my history the doctor wasn't convinced and told us not to get our hopes up. But after a week of blood work and ultra sounds they were convinced everything looked good and that this is nothing short of a miracle in our life. So we were excited but I have been sick pretty much ever since the beginning. Nothing like with Gracie (so may be it's a boy). I had nausea and vomiting 24 hours a day and it got to where I wasn't sleeping at night so then I wasn't functioning during the day. Thank you to drugs. Deven talked to the doctor and with the help of anti nausea medication I am doing much better. Food doesn't always taste or sound good but I feel like I am getting my life back. So for such a long story we are excited and that is why it has been so hard to have Deven gone so much. But we are now hoping for an Easter Baby. And with that will come visitors so we are excited. Gracie can hardly wait. I just posted a few pictures below of things we have been up to. So I am a little behind with everything right now in my life. I am hoping for a good week and can start to catch up. Our carpet finally came so they will putting it in this week. Also I am trying to up date my blog but I am so computer iliterate, (I don't know what happened to me) I call Lisa all the time to walk me through things so slow but surely I am trying to up date it.
Thanks to Aunt Lisa for Gracie's new pink shirt. The funny thing is she just picked out new pink shoes and thought it was so exciting that it matched.

Gracie has started a gymnastics class on Saturday mornings. She loves it and counts down all week till next time.
On Deven's last day off we tried Kayaking. Gracie was never so sure and clung to me so tight the entire time and kept saying that is enough please don't tip us over. We kept trying to tell her she was safe but she couldn't wait to get out when we got back to shore.

Gracie has started a gymnastics class on Saturday mornings. She loves it and counts down all week till next time.

Sunday, September 21, 2008
The Floating Hospital
Well this has been a long week I will not lie. We figured this week Deven put in close to 100 hours. He got lucky and got the weekend call so we didn't get to see him this whole weekend. He finally got home Sunday about noon, but now he is sleeping soundly poor guy he is tired and gets to start all over tomorrow Thanks goodness he switches rotations this Thursday. I will not miss this one. He had one afternoon off this week and he had heard at the hospital that The Mercy Ship was at Pearl Harbor apparently it only docks here about once every 2 years The doctors told him he should go check it out. It was amazing. It is literally a hospital on the water. Right now it was returning from a humanitarian mission, but in war times it acts as a rescue ship on the water. It is capable of staffing up to 900 people. We got a tour and and it was amazing.
The Mercy Ship

This is up in the captains bridge. The guy was so awesome and he showed us all of the new GPS technology they have on board. They were in the process of mapping their route home to San Diego. They were leaving the next morning.
He let Gracie and Deven touch the captains wheel. Gracie was a little nervous she didn't want us to really go out to see. We tried to assure her it would take a lot of effort to get that ship out of the harbor.

This is on top of the flight deck. The sheds is where they store their two choppers when they are not on a mission. They said the wings fold up and they fit inside. On their last mission one of their helicopters got 4 bullet holes in it. I think is is so sad people attacked a ship that was coming to help them. They said it was a little scary as they have very little fighting power on this ship. They take with them a small security force.

This is the CAT Scan machine on the boat. Deven was amazed at all the radiology technology. They usually have 2 radiologist on board. This boat had 12 Operating rooms, and ICU, a huge pre op room. A full Dental and eye clinic. It was amazing.

Deven Gracie and I walking up the dock to get on the Mercy Ship

This is a picture of just how big this ship is. We had just parked our car and couldn't believe how big this ship was. It towered over all the other ships in the harbor. They usually go out for 4 month missions at a time. Deven thought one day he would like to have the opportunity to do this. This time they visited Guam, Vietnam, and a whole bunch of other tiny islands between Hawaii and Australia. I can't remember all the names. Anyways they told us of all the people they helped. In each island they will do surgery on up to 50 people a day. I just forget sometimes how lucky we are to have good medical care and access to it.
This is up in the captains bridge. The guy was so awesome and he showed us all of the new GPS technology they have on board. They were in the process of mapping their route home to San Diego. They were leaving the next morning.
This is on top of the flight deck. The sheds is where they store their two choppers when they are not on a mission. They said the wings fold up and they fit inside. On their last mission one of their helicopters got 4 bullet holes in it. I think is is so sad people attacked a ship that was coming to help them. They said it was a little scary as they have very little fighting power on this ship. They take with them a small security force.
This is the CAT Scan machine on the boat. Deven was amazed at all the radiology technology. They usually have 2 radiologist on board. This boat had 12 Operating rooms, and ICU, a huge pre op room. A full Dental and eye clinic. It was amazing.
Deven Gracie and I walking up the dock to get on the Mercy Ship
This is a picture of just how big this ship is. We had just parked our car and couldn't believe how big this ship was. It towered over all the other ships in the harbor. They usually go out for 4 month missions at a time. Deven thought one day he would like to have the opportunity to do this. This time they visited Guam, Vietnam, and a whole bunch of other tiny islands between Hawaii and Australia. I can't remember all the names. Anyways they told us of all the people they helped. In each island they will do surgery on up to 50 people a day. I just forget sometimes how lucky we are to have good medical care and access to it.
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