This is going to be a random post, but we have had a wonderful weekend. Deven is on an Anesthesiology rotation the hours are great and he got Thanksgiving weekend off. He also has a week off here next week. We are just trying to enjoy some holiday activities and and enjoy our first Christmas here. We went to the Tripler Hospital Tree lighting ceremony tonight. It was a lot of fun, there was music, food, hula dancers, and of course Santa made a visit. Gracie was sure she saw him flying in the sky. 
We took advantage of a rainy weekend and put our tree up. Gracie, Deven and I had so much fun decorating it. It almost feels like Christmas here. We are kind of enjoying the rain. I have even made hot chocolate a couple of times.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Our friends the Reese's invited us over. Everyone pitched in and we had wonderful food. It made the day great as this is one of our first Thanksgivings away from family. This is a picture of some of my friends we celebrated with. Me, Chantell, Audra, and Amanda. Thanks for a great Thanksgiving. This year our turkey was cooked in and IMU. Our ward dug a huge hole in the back of the church and cooked 60 turkeys in this underground pit all night. The meat was sooo good.

Ok so these pictures are random, but I just had to share our costco gas experiences with everyone. This is by far the cheapest place to get gas on the island. And so everyone waits. I have waited 45 minutes before, but I guess it is worth a great deal is a great deal. Sometimes the cars are lined up off the exit. CRAZY!!!!

We didn't go shopping on Black Friday this year. We decided to hit the beach instead. Deven had Thursday and Friday off and he was craving a really relaxing day at the beach. We headed over to Bellows Beach and Gracie and Deven worked on their boogie boarding.

It was a perfect beach day and since everyone was out shopping it was not very crowded.

Gracie had her friend Brooklyn over and they helped me make rice crispy treats. They had more fun licking the spoons and eating whatever they could out of the bow. They made it a point to get it on their faces. They thought it was so funny that it stuck to their faces.

We found a train ride because what are the holidays without a train ride. Ok so not really important, but it has been rainy (we are in the rainy season) so we were trying to find some activities to do inside.
How fun to just be able to go to the beach. Gracie looks so adorable in her swim suit! Your Thanksgiving looked so nice and I am so glad that you could all be together instead of some crazy doctor hours!!
Congrats on having a boy!!! I love having a boy. He is so fun and so different than having a girl. It looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. Great family photo!!!
What a great Thanksgiving! Looks like you had a great time. It makes me jealous that you are having nice weather and we are so cold here! How much was the gas? That is crazy to sit in line for 45 minutes!
what a fun way to kick off the holidays with all the fun fetivites you have been doing. I love your tree and gracies holiday dress.
Looks like you guys had a lot of fun. We miss you guys so much. I hope all is going well.
I haven't checked blogs for a while - CONGRATULATIONS!!! It will be so much fun to have one of each and I'm sure Gracie will make such a great big sis.
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