I have been feeling very ungrateful lately, and may be even a little bit sorry for myself. I miss my husband as he is working all the time which leaves me to put Gracie to bed by myself. He usually gets home just in time for a quick story and then lights out. Some days I feel completely exhausted and feel like a single mother. My Gracie has an abounding
amount of energy and keeps me hopping all day long. And it is no secret I haven't felt the best this pregnancy. Things are getting better but still not perfect. I have found myself complaining all the time and not appreciating this exciting event in our life. I had a doctors appointment today and he was asking me how I was doing, my first thought was to go off on just how miserable I was, when he said, "after all this is
definitely a miracle baby I still can't believe it. " I felt so small at that point. I have been so caught up on poor me that I haven't taken the time to appreciate how lucky and how grateful we are. Gracie and I spent the rest of the afternoon having some quality time together and I kept thinking how could I be complaining this is all so worth it. How could I not want another little baby in our life. Sure she wears me out, but she is so much of my life. She makes my life great. She wakes up laughing and usually goes to sleep laughing much of it because she finds great pleasure in torturing me. She likes to
squeak a loud plastic chicken at me in the morning just to wake me up and she thinks she is so funny. (We can thank Nana for that one...but we will get you back ha ha) And we can't get into bed until she has shown me all of her new tricks and all of her stuffed animals and dolls are tucked in somewhere in the house. But life would be so boring without it. So since this month is a month of being grateful. I decided I needed look at the positive and not the negative. (
Deven will be so excited).
I know I get caught up in the "poor me" especially since Kent left. You are right we have so many things to be grateful for that I should just enjoy everyday. Call me any time.
As I keep telling you, try not having a Deven and a Gracie in your life, and having to go to bed alone every night and come home from work to nothing. I would give anything to have a Gracie in my life! That girl is ridiculosuly hilarioulsy and I will gladly take her. Little Sarah called me the other day and asked if she could come and live with me. I would take her and Gracie anyday even if that meant being a single parent. You better be grateful or else I am stealing your kids.
you are such a good mom to gracie. She is sucha cutie and you can tell when you see you two together how much she loves you and you love her.
I hope things get easier with devens schedule. It is no fun when life throws you new things. You are doing a great job at all the changing of schedules and long hours.
Your little baby is such a miracle. You know that this baby is. It is hard to show your enthusiasm when you have joyrneyed the rough road that you have. Thank heavens for you it is almost over. It is true what they say it is all worth it.
Hang in there things will get better.
Sorry for the soap box. You are such a great person and a great friend. Thanks for being so great. Callme if you need anything. Hang in there.
Thanks for the good words of encouragemnet about being grateful.
Love ya shirlyn
You are one of the sweetest people I know. Don't feel bad, there are times in our lives when things are hard and we complain, but we still learn from them. Try to remember "this to shall pass". I will remember you in my prayers. Stay strong. Best wishes.
Shirlyn, don't feel bad. There are times when we all get frustrated and look at the negative. I find myself doing that way too much, too. You're awesome and it sounds to me like you're doing great with everything. Hopefully things will get better with Deven's schedule and you'll begin to feel better.
I am so excited that I found your blog. It was so fun to see updated pictures of your beautiful family. Gracie is getting so big! We have to keep in touch so I put you on my blog!
Bring it on, Baby....Nana
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