Well a lot has been going on in our lives lately. I have only seen Deven one day in the last two weeks. He has had to work every weekend and today is the 2nd day he has had off. I have been trying not to complain but we have been lonely without him. He works 12 hour shifts right now so he gets up at 4 a.m. and gets home around 7 p.m. Just in time to help put Gracie to bed and then he is fast asleep on the couch so I have to wake him up to go to bed. He starts nights tomorrow we will see how that goes. I think this would all be easier on me but we are letting everybody know we are expecting baby #2. It has all come as a shock and as a miracle in our lives. We have been trying for years and were finally told our best shot would be invitro. So we started all the lab work and testing and as soon as we got here we started going to an infertility specialist. I had just finished up all the lab work and was actually going in to set up an invitro date when we found out I was pregnant. Then we went through and ectopic scare as I was having a lot of cramping and with my history the doctor wasn't convinced and told us not to get our hopes up. But after a week of blood work and ultra sounds they were convinced everything looked good and that this is nothing short of a miracle in our life. So we were excited but I have been sick pretty much ever since the beginning. Nothing like with Gracie (so may be it's a boy). I had nausea and vomiting 24 hours a day and it got to where I wasn't sleeping at night so then I wasn't functioning during the day. Thank you to drugs. Deven talked to the doctor and with the help of anti nausea medication I am doing much better. Food doesn't always taste or sound good but I feel like I am getting my life back. So for such a long story we are excited and that is why it has been so hard to have Deven gone so much. But we are now hoping for an Easter Baby. And with that will come visitors so we are excited. Gracie can hardly wait. I just posted a few pictures below of things we have been up to. So I am a little behind with everything right now in my life. I am hoping for a good week and can start to catch up. Our carpet finally came so they will putting it in this week. Also I am trying to up date my blog but I am so computer iliterate, (I don't know what happened to me) I call Lisa all the time to walk me through things so slow but surely I am trying to up date it.

Thanks to Aunt Lisa for Gracie's new pink shirt. The funny thing is she just picked out new pink shoes and thought it was so exciting that it matched.

Gracie has started a gymnastics class on Saturday mornings. She loves it and counts down all week till next time.

On Deven's last day off we tried Kayaking. Gracie was never so sure and clung to me so tight the entire time and kept saying that is enough please don't tip us over. We kept trying to tell her she was safe but she couldn't wait to get out when we got back to shore.

We visited the Honolulu aquarium. This picture was taken in front of the jelly fish. Deven has now decided one day he is going to have an aquarium of just jelly fish. He thinks they are so cool. too bad you can't see them in the picture.

Our little princess... every picture has to be an ordeal. She strikes any pose she can but normal.
I love all the pictures. You guys look like your enjoying the beautiful weather. Congrats again on baby #2!!!
Congratulations! How exciting, but not for feeling sick. That is great that the medicine is helping.
Congrats! I am so excited for you guys! I hope that you are starting to feel better - those anti-nausea meds are amazing!
Congratulations! Babies are a blessing, even with all the sickness that comes with them. I hope you continue to feel better and that all goes well and you have a healthy, happy baby.
Congratulations on your exciting news. That is a wonderful miracle. Hope you get feeling better soon.
Congrats! I am so excited for you, I cant even imagine the roller coaster ride you have been on. I hope you start feeling better, I can relate with you on being sick and it is sooo not fun, especially when you have Gracie you have to take care of! I am sorry! But what a miracle! I am so excited for you! This residency business is so hard, be strong, hang in there!
what a great way to spend the days that he has had off. Good luck with the night shifts. Call if you need anything at all.
Congrats! How exciting for you. I am also thankful for the medicine, I used it for 7mo with Landon! Thanks for the comment on the blog I really appreciate it.
Congratulations! I am so excited for you! Take good care of your self. The sickness won't last forever and you will get a great reward at the end. What a blessing!!!
Congratulation! That is exciting news. I am sorry you are sick. I get that way too. I alwasy end up with hyperemesis(Severe dehydration) and in the hospital. I don't wish that on anyone!!! I am glad the medicine is helping and that it won't last to much longer. Enjoy being the parent of just one while it lasts!!! Although now having 3 I think 2 is a breeze! Go figure. Take care.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you! Thanks for sharing your miracle. It's always nice to be reminded that they really do happen!
I loved finding out that people are pregnaant through the blogging system, even my own sister for heavens sakes. You could have at least told me before you posted it to the world. Well just got back from "Flirting Home Evening" maybe I might one day be able to announce the birth of my first born on my blog.
Congratulations to you! I'm sorry that you are feeling sick. You will make it though and it will be worth it in the end! Good luck!
Congratulations Shirlyn. That is so exciting.
Congrats on baby #2. We are excited for you!
I saw Tara today before preschool and she asked me if I'd seen your blog, which immediately had me guessing that you were pregnant! I was so happy to hear that! Congratulations to you and Deven! I know it's been a long, hard road for you guys and I'm so happy that you will be getting exactly what you wanted, another baby. YAHOOOOOO!!!
Hey..found your blog through Amandas :) Congrats on baby #2! how exciting, Please call me if you need ANYTHING!
c-y later
Congrats on the upcoming baby! I'm so HAPPY for you guys! How fun if it was a boy too.
It sounds rough having Deven gone all day, and now nights. That's terrible.
Did you hear Zach will be out to see you in January? I'm really excited for him. You guys will have to meet up and do your fun beach things while I breath in 30-degree air and watch snow fall. And yes, I'm slightly jealous.
Congrats on Babe #2 - What an exciting thing for you guys. It sounds like you are having a great time in Hawaii - your pictures are beautiful.
Congrats on baby number two!!! I hope you start feeling better.
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