We decided to go and meet
Deven down at
Tripler after work on Friday. We knew
there would be traffic on the way home so we thought it might be fun to head to
Hickham Beach and watch the sun set. Plus
Deven was dying to try Dylan out in his new float ring "it use to be Gracie's we found it when we were cleaning out our garage." So we got some dinner, picked up
Deven and drove over to the beach. It was perfect hardly anyone was there, the water was calm, and amazingly pretty warm. If you know me I don't like to get in the water after the sun has gone down because I get too cold. But I decided even I could handle it. Dylan did really well. We weren't sure if he loved it but he didn't cry he just floated and took it all in. He didn't like the feel of the sand on his feet.
Every time his feet would touch the sand he would pull them up and grunt. We thought it was funny so we kept letting his feet touch. Gracie worked on her swimming and
Deven and I found a turtle there to chase for a while. It was such a nice way to end the usual crazy weeks. Of course I made
Deven take me to target after since we were down by one. He loves me so he reluctantly agreed.

Dylan not quite sure what to think.

Gracie swimming.

We love the sunsets here and can never get enough of them. We snuggled in our towels and waited till it got completely dark.
Deven was messing around with the camera trying to capture the sun set. On a little "Dylan Note" He is growing up way to fast. He got his first tooth in. He is so proud of it he can't stop
playing with it with his tongue. The other bottom one is coming so
here's to another week of crazy nights. Poor little guy.
That sunset is gorgeous! I love your swimming suit - it is way too cute! Your family is just growing up so quickly!
Love the pictures. I can not believe Dylan has a tooth. Crazy! Miss u guys.
I love dylan floating in the ocean. He is getting so big. What a nice relazing night.
A tooth for Dylan? How cool is that? Dylan is growing up way too fast. Your pictures are gorgeous!
I can't beilieve how big Dylan is getting! What a fabulous day - so nice. Hope you're getting a little bit of sleep - poor guy. Did Gracie get her teeth quickly? Ashlyn is still teething and last week we had several of "those nights". Good Luck!
Woops! had a typo in that last one, had to delete it! Great pics! Sounds like a fun relaxing evening! What I wouldnt give to be able to go to the beach now :) The kids look adorable, I cant belive how much bigger Dylan looks in jsut a month! Well, keep enjoying that warm weather for us! talk to you soon
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