I posted these pictures in a different order than I wanted to but it will still work. This past week at school Gracie got nominated for the Good Citizen Award for the month of September. We were so proud of her. Each
kindergarten class nominates a 1 boy and 1 girl each month. They have a cute little assembly for them and then they present them with an award and a tag they can put on their back pack. Gracie was so excited. Also if you look close at her pictures you might notice she has something sparkling in her ears. That is right Gracie got her ears pierced. I just want everyone to know it was her idea.
Deven and I have always told her whenever she wanted to she could get them pierced. Well she was scared to do it so we didn't think it would happen until she was at least in middle school. But Saturday morning out of the blue she asked if she could get them pierced. Of course I said do you really want to and she said yes. I said well I don't know if we can do it today, but may be next week after your assembly. But she kept begging.
Deven was going surfing with a friend but I didn't feel like the beach that day so I was going to take the kids to Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I thought about it and decided I would make it Gracie's day and we would go get her ears pierced first. She was so nervous and I told her she didn't have to do it, but she said she wanted to. Then she asked if it was
ok if she cried. I said yes, but I said Gracie we can wait you don't have to. She was so brave she cried some nervous tears but did it. She can't stop looking in the mirror and she wants to wear her hair up everyday so her earrings will show. I asked her what made her change her mind. I have a feeling the age of doing what your friends do is starting. She said another girl in her class had her ears pierced so she wanted to do it. Just a quick Dylan update, that is of course why I posted a picture of him. At five months he weighed in at 17lbs 14 oz. and was 27 " long. He is in the 88% for weight and the 94% for height. He
truly is our chunky monkey.

receiving her award.

Gracie with a new little sparkle in her ears. Way to go Gracie.
way to go gracie. I love the earings
That's awesome that she won the award! Your kids are so cute!
Very pretty sparkly earrings, Gracie! She's so pretty - the earrings just make her prettier. I can't believe how much Dylan has grown. What a cute boy!
I forgot to mention the award - Great job, Gracie!
Good job Gracie. Ears pierce how fun and a big girl she is. Thanks for the B-day card agian it made my day. Dylan is of course a doll.
You are one tough cookie, getting you ears pierced. I wish I could have been there.
Love, Grandpa Cox
Hey Shirlyn, I just made my blog private. Will you send me your email address so I can add you? Thanks!! karenlonsdale@gmail.com.
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