Well we are ready for baby. My friends just threw the most amazing shower for us. The food was great and it was so fun to spend an evening with friends. They made stuffed mushrooms, shrimp salad, wontons, just to give you an idea. Deven was so upset that he wasn't invited and I didn't think to bring him any home. He loves Chantell's stuffed mushrooms. I just wanted to say thank you for a great shower. Me, Chantell, Audra, Heidi, Sara S. Some of our great friends who came to help us celebrate.

Opening presents. We are so grateful for everything. I have decied to buy things as needed this time around. With Gracie we went crazy and bought so much stuff that never got used so we are going about this one totally different. But we now have diapers wipes and the basic essentials so we can get started.

Sara L, Kiona (and baby), and Amanda who came to celebrate with us.

Baby room is almost done. I am posting what is d0ne so far because next week is going to get crazy. Deven and I have been busy trying to give his room some personality. We tried painting the border. Which ended up being more of a pain than we thought, but we are glad we did it. We are doing his room with boats. Deven wants him to love the water like he does.

The crib is ready we just need baby. We are scheduled to have him on the 15th if he doesn't come before then. At one point I couldn't wait to get him here, but my doctor doesn't get back until the 13th and after seeing other doctors the past couple of months Deven and I both agree it is worth waiting for him to get back. We both trust him and I don't want just some random on -call night float to do the surgery. Deven's family will get here on Tuesday and then we know Gracie will be taken care of so I think we are ready.
That room looks way cool! The border, the ship, everything looks pretty classy. Good luck on getting baby here :)
It is soo cute, congratulations sweetie. I wish I could have been there. Can't wait to see this beautiful little boy. Best of luck.
Sorry I couldn't come to the shower. Phil had duty so we went down to the boat to be with him. I'm glad it went so well. The room looks great!
I like the boat idea. How can he not love the water w/ a dad like Deven. Good luck with everything and just think in about a week he'll be here. I'll keep in touch.
I can't believe it is time for you to have the baby! Good luck with everything. The room looks so cute...can't wait to see the pictures of it with the baby in it! :)
Yea! You're so close. The nursery is adorable. I love the stripes! Good luck with everything this next week. I bet Eydie is so excited to see you guys.
His room looks great! Good job, I love the stripes. I hope the delivery goes well. It will be nice to have Deven's family there to help you.
Did you hear Amanda D is getting married May 2nd?
Shirlyn, everything looks great in the baby's room. And so do you! You look absolutely radiant. I hope everything goes well and you soon have that little boy in your arms. I can't wait to see pictures!
I wonder what it would be like to have a baby shower...I don't think they have those for pretend babies like my new little baby dog Kacey! Please answer my survey on my blog!!!
Have I ever told you how much I want a baby?
Cute room I bet those stripes were a pain. They look nice though. I had the same experience. I actually had some pics developed of the twins first month. In one of them Brittney was holding Brady at first glance I thought which one of Sarah's dolls is that. Then I realized it was Brady.
Cute room. I love it. I hope everything goes well with having your baby. Can't wait to see pictures.
And YEAH for a Target. That is very exciting.
What a darling room! Good luck next week. I sure hope everything goes perfectly. I can hardly wait to hear about it all and see his little debut pictures!
The room is adorable! I'll have to give you that recipe sometime too, just remind me next time your over!
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