Well it finally happened. We have a Target. A group of girls from the ward decided we had to go to Target on the opening day. We planned to go in the evening when husbands could be home so we could go kid free. Of course it was a mad house, there was no parking. I think the whole island police department was there just for traffic control. We had been looking for parking for about 20 minutes when we found a high school parking lot open. There were tons of cars parked in it so we thought well it must all be target shoppers. We pulled our cars in and parked and headed to target. It was a little bit longer walk than we had anticipated. We could see target and didn't want to have to go clear around the block to get in. We decided we could all climb the fence and take the short cut. Yes even I did 9
mths pregnant. We were a little worried about where we parked so we thought at 9 p.m. we would go out and check and make sure they weren't going to lock the gates at the school. Well of course we lost track of time and everybody ended up meeting back out front at 10 p.m. A couple of girls went to go get the cars while the rest of us waited with our new purchases in front of the store. When they got back to the school there were only 2 cars left in the parking lot and the gate was closed and locked. Of course it was our cars. We talked to security and they told us to call the Police department. They of course were no help. We tired calling the school and they of course were no help. We were so worried now that the cars would be towed, plus how were we going to get home. Luckily someone had a friend in the area who lived in
Mililani and she agreed to stop in and pick us up. We had to squish in but we made it home by midnight. So the next morning Audra and I had to get up at 5:30 am to hitch a ride with
Deven down to pick up the cars before they got towed. He dropped us off on the way to work. Luckily the gate was open and the cars were still there. All of this for target. I must have really missed it.

Gracie turned 5. We had been planning a water party at the park for a couple of weeks before her big day. It had been a rainy week and I was starting to panic, but I thought no it will work out.
Deven, Gracie and I spent the night before filling up 300 water balloons. We had bought tons of bubble stuff and squirt guns. We were just as excited as Gracie. Well of course the next day it rained, and it rained, and it rained. It showed now signs of letting up. By 1 p.m. I was in a panic and called my sister Sharon who is the party queen. She gave me some new game ideas and Gracie and I headed to the store for a plan B party. I think the kids still had fun. We had to move the party to the house. Not to mention we still have 300 water balloons in my garage. Here is Gracie blowing out her candles.

She thinks blowing out candles is the coolest thing. Can you tell she is excited... Gracie and all her friends.

Gracie opening presents.

And we went for the carnival theme. We played fish pond, ring toss, bean bag throw, and musical chairs. Thanks Sharon for the ideas.
Gracied turned 5 on Monday but we didn't have her party until Tuesday. So on Monday night we made her
favorite dinner (which is "white pasta" ) and let her open her presents from us. She got a princess scooter. She now says "come on mom lets go
scooterin". Happy Birthday Gracie we love you!!!!
HOLLY COW! How are you!?! I found your blog! So, congrats on the baby boy coming to your family! That's so exciting!
Check us out at oneamazingfamily.blogspot.com
I bet that will be one Target experience you never forget:) Cordon had so much fun a Gracies party too. From what he keeps saying it sounds like you guys could go into the party business full time! He said it was the best party EVER!!!!
she looks so cute and grown up! happy birthday to her. and good luck with the baby coming. how many more weeks?
What a Target experience! Happy Birthday to Gracie. It looked like a fun party!
How can we ever forget the target experience. It just goes to show who the die hard fans are.
Hooray for Target and for Gracie's bday too! What an experience you had. Can't wait to see the new baby! Do you know what you're having?
So fun!! What a great mom. Kids are usually just happy if there is a cake, aren't they? Gracie looks so excited! I love that. She looks like she has tons of little friends.
Oh, your Target story makes me laugh. I can only imagine the excitement of getting there and then the stress of the locked gates. Oh my! The things we are willing to do for Target. :) Glad to hear you have one.
what's wrong with a water party in the rain? You won't be able to tell when a water balloon hit you?
Just be thankful you actually get rain
I love reading your blog! Len is going into Emergency medicine.
Hey! Yes, we are coming. I've been meaning to call Deven with our dates but I haven't. We come Sun, May 10 and leave that Saturday night. I think Deven is gone part of that week, but I still want to come see you. And you'll definitely have your new little one by then too. Yea! And hopefully we can catch Deven.
Thanks for offering your pad. We're coming with Jared's bro and sis-in-law so we better not. We reserved a little condo on the north shore so hopefully that works out.
How are you feeling? You're getting so close. I'm excited to see you soon. Good luck with everything and I'll call you guys soon.
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