Well I am finally getting around to posting our trip back home to visit family this past summer. And as usual the pictures are in reverse order. So this is the end of our adventure. We got lucky this summer and were able to take a space A flight to and from the mainland, in fact we even got so lucky as to fly in and out of Mt Home Idaho. Just a few hours from our families. We flew on refueler planes both times. They are not the most comfortable plains, but we always got to spread out and the best part is.... it was FREE!!!

This is on the way home. The boomer on the plane was really awesome and he would let us go down next to him and watch them refuel the planes.

Not exactly first class, but it got us home.

Deven was really missing the ocean and surfing so it was ironic that we were able to find ways for him to surf in Utah.

This kids got to play in the fountains at the Riverwoods Shopping Center

And of course a trip home wouldn't be complete, if we didn't go boating with the Cox's.

Like I said, Deven still got to surf. This was his first time surfing behind a boat. He picked it up really quick. He seriously surfed all day long.

Me and my little man. He was my boat partner this trip.

Daddy and Gracie getting ready to head out.

We spent a week down in St. George with the Sorensen Family. It was a lot of fun, relaxing at the pool, shopping, and we even got to go to Tuacahn Theatre and see "The Little Mermaid"

We got to meet the entire cast at the end of the show. The kids loved it!!!

Getting ready for the play to start.

Nothing like spending time in good old Gunnison. My kids don't ever get to see cows, and horses, so visiting Grandpa's farm is always exciting. But we always find time to go to the pool and park as well.

Gracie got to go to her cousin Sarah's birthday party this summer. It was a 50's party and the girls were decked out top to bottom.

Helping Grandpa on the farm. Dylan especially loved going with grandpa on the 4 wheeler and the tractor.

Leave it to grandpa Sorensen to always try and scare the kids. He knows I hate snakes, but to his surprise Dylan was not scared at all. He was so fascinated. I think grandpa was a little disappointed.

Well we did it, we just found out we were going to the mainland on a space A flight. I consider this a meant to happen trip. I mix up military time all the time, but I was sure I figured the time it was leaving out correctly. I went over and over it in my head. So we figured we didn't need to leave until 8:30 to get there for 9 o clock roll call. But as we were driving down I told Deven the roll call time, and he said, "Are you serious, thats right now." I said no its not we have plenty of time, he said no, roll call time is right now. My heart sunk, I was sure there was no way we were going to have a chance of getting on this flight. Deven drove like crazy. I jumped out at the front entrance ran inside and asked if I could still check in for the Space A flight heading to Mt Home. The roll call had got delayed 15 minutes. He said he would check me in and two minutes later as Deven was walking in with the kids and the luggage, our name was being called that we made the flight. A great way to start our summer!!!!!
Sounds like you guys had so much fun on your summer trip last year. It's good to see you are all doing well.
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