I did it again. I loaded the pictures in reverse. Oh well, I think it will still make sense. I picked up a van we had rented early Monday morning and then I picked up Amanda and her kids in
SLC. We were off on a long drive down a desolate HWY to C
alifornia. We had so much fun and the kids did really well all things considered. We drove all day and got to Reno about 5 that evening. The kids had been really good and we decided to stop at
Chucky Cheese and let them run around for a bit. We were only about 3 hours away. We got back in the car, it had been snowing on and off on the road but nothing to bad. When we got to the pass from Reno to California they said the road was closed and we could not go through. We had no choice, we had to turn back and get a hotel room in Reno. We found out later had we not stopped at
Chucky Cheese we would have got stuck in a terrible snow storm and still been forced to turn around at the top of the summit. When we woke up the next morning we found out there was a flight back to Hawaii that night, we just had to get through the pass. We kept checking on the road conditions and they said chains were required to get through. I am so glad I was with Amanda we decided we would just have to purchase some chains...and a few diet cokes, and go for it. It was crazy. When we got to the top we couldn't believe how much snow there was. We made it safely to the other side. We managed to get to Travis, return our rental car, and now wait to see if we would be going home. I guess you don't always get lucky. We didn't get on. At first Amanda and I were disappointed and we shed a few tears. But luckily we had booked a hotel on base just in case so we got a shuttle to take us there for the night and come up with plan B. People were so kind and we learned so much. We went to see when the next available flight was going to be and it wasn't until Saturday. We only had the hotel for one more night. We were tired and decided it was best to just purchase 1 way tickets home out of Sacramento. (Thanks MOM!!!) Even though we didn't get back on a space A flight. I had a great trip, with a great friend. We made so many memories and I will never forget it!!!!

Since we ended up spending and extra day in California, we decided to take the kids to the Jelly Belly Factory, and then of course we had to check out the outlet malls there.

The kids all wanted to sample flavors such as bugars...gross I know.

Tour Time!!!

This is all the snow at the top of the summit. You could barely see the road signs!!!

When we were in Reno, the kids decided they could fly across the beds. They entertained themselves all morning.

Here we go. Amanda and I decided we can do anything with a good friend and a diet coke.
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