Well another year has gone by. Once again I had
Shirece put together our family Christmas Card. She is always so creative and I love that she can do this. I am slacking a little bit more and more each year as I realize how many friends we have made and how many Christmas cards I should send out. But then I also realize how much I love the blog for this reason. So many of our goods friends read this so I am going to take this time to say Merry Christmas to everyone. I didn't do a Christmas Letter this year but I must say it has been a good year. This is our second Christmas in Hawaii and it is still a little hard to accept that we won't be having a white Christmas, none the less
Deven does not have to work it and that makes it great.
In fact Deven has the whole next week off. What will we do.... ha ha. I am so excited to have him around. We have been
very blessed this year.
Deven is doing well in his residency. He has developed a passion for surfing and this has become one of his favorite past times. I am glad he has this as an outlet. We love going to the beach as a family even if it is just to watch
Deven surf.
Gracie started school this year and loves every minute of it. She is already reading and writing sentences. She loves to ride the bus and spend time with her friends at the park, beach, or school. She has become such a great big sister and can get Dylan to laugh so loud. She can also get him to spit out his food and then both of them laugh. It is so funny how much he loves her as well.
The birth of Dylan has been one of our greatest blessings this year. He has brought so much joy into our home. He is such a happy guy and just loves attention from anyone. He gets so excited when we go to pick Gracie up from the bus I have to hold on to him tight or else he would jump right out of my arms. He is a mama's boy and I will admit I love it!!! He love to be outside and is so content whenever we go for walks, to the park, or even the beach.
We really do miss our families this time of year but are excited to have this week with
Deven we plan on wearing ourselves out and doing as much as we can. We are also so grateful to our friends here who fill in as family for us. So to everyone Merry Christmas!!!!!
I sure hope you guys have a Merry Christmas! You have an absolutely beautiful family. What a wonderful blessing that is!
Merry Christmas! Your Christmas Card should be arriving soon.I was a little late in getting them out this year. I hope you have a nice Christmas and Birthday. Darling picture.
Ahhh! Sounds like Dylan has developed quite the personality, thats is too cute that he squeals for Gracie at the bus stop! It's so good to hear that you are all well. We miss you guys. Make sure you have extra fun at the beach for us this Christmas...Wish I could send you some of this snow, I'd send it all if I could :)
Oh and your sister did great job on the card, very cute!
We missed you guys at Christmas!!! Love you all! Tell Gracie and Dylan we love them
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