Well there is nothing too exciting to report lately. I just can't believe how busy I feel. I thought I would have so much time once Gracie started school, but the days just seem to fly by. I just thought I would post a quick update on our life. Gracie has always had quite the imagination, but lately we can't seem to tell what is the truth and what is a "story." She says she just loves to trick people but she can be quite convincing. We found a 6" long centipede in the house the other day, it freaked me out, of course I saved it to show Gracie, I thought she would like to see it. Well she decided she was going to tell all of her school friends she got bit by it. She found an old mosquito bite on her leg and was telling everyone she got bit. Well she even told her friend Cordon's mom that she got bit by it. Chantell was convinced. She said "wow Gracie, that must have really hurt." Gracie looked right at her and without hesitation said "yeah it did". I found this all out as I was talking to Chantell the next day. I said no she never got bit by a centipede. She tells me all sorts of stories about things that happen at school. She even told her Aunt Shirece that she was shopping at Costco on Sunday and that I couldn't talk to her because I was checking out. I finally have to say to her well can you show me who that is cause I should probably talk to them. At first she will say "well you don't know them, or they don't live by us." I have to keep pushing it and then she will finally say. OK mom I just made that up it didn't happen. Deven and I decided it was time for the story of the boy who cried wolf. Did it help, I guess we will see this week huh. Gracie has also learned to throw away whatever she doesn't eat in her lunch at school before she comes home. I always like to look in her lunch box to see what she was eating and not eating before she started to eat all the treats at home. Well she got smart and decided she was just going to throw away whatever she didn't eat so she didn't have to tell me what she ate or didn't. I swear we are going to have to put a GPS tracker on this one. We love you Gracie, you keep life interesting.

Dylan is just getting so big. Look at those chunky cheeks. You should see his thighs. If you remember Gracie as a baby he has caught up. He is just as chunky. He is a pretty happy little guy. He loves lots and lots of attention. I even put him in a front pack when I am cleaning so I can get a few things done sometimes. He hates to be left alone. He would love to be talked to and held all day long if he could. Sometimes I get overwhelmed when I get nothing done, but how can I resist those big chubby cheeks and that smile. Gracie is turning into such a big helper. Last Friday there was no school and Gracie woke up early as usual. Dylan was up as well, but was just going back to sleep. I lay ed him down in his bouncer and asked Gracie if she would keep an eye on him while he slept. I told her she could watch a cartoon and to just come wake me up when he woke back up. About 1/2 hour later I heard him downstairs and I just lay ed in bed listening. I kept thinking for sure Gracie would be up to get me, she is usually there with the first peep he makes. So I finally decided I had better get up and head downstairs. When I got down there Gracie was bouncing him and trying to keep him quiet. I couldn't believe it. I said thank you Gracie that is so nice of you to try to keep him quiet so I could sleep. She got a really big smile on her face, but it was the mischievous smile. I looked over at the table and Gracie had gotten into the pudding. She hadn't had time to clean up the mess and so she was trying to keep him quiet until she could throw away the evidence and wipe off the table. Hey I guess you take what you can get right. I got a nice morning nap.
Kids are funny you have to admit they do keep us on our toes. Would we want it any other way? I love all of Dylan's rolls they are cute!
that Gracie is a little stinker! :) but she's a cutie. i think your kids look a lot alike in that first picture.
Such a cute post! Your kids are so cute! I hope the story helps. I wonder where kids come up with all this?
I can't believe how much your kids look a like! So cute! I love your posts!
She is quit the story teller! I'm still floored by how well she sold me on her story..the sad eyes and all!
Dylan looks so cute on the bench in that outfit, just like a miniture little man. With the hat and all, it looks like he should be feeding the pigeons or something...just too stinkin cute!
p.s. what hospital did you deliver dylan at? i'm not sure if you saw my previous comment. :)
gracie is such a cutie. I love the new picrures they are so cute. I cant believe how big dylan is getting. They are so cute
I miss you all so so so much!
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