Well it's official, Gracie has started school. After a long anticipated summer and even a long week of orientation her first official day started today. This means she got to ride the bus for the first time. Of course I was the embarrassing mom taking as many pictures as I could. Gracie was OK with it because her friends mom's were there as well taking pictures. We woke up early so she could catch the bus at 6:50 a.m. (early I know). But it was easy to wake up this morning she was so excited. She goes to Wheeler Elementary. They have to wear t-shirt uniforms Monday through Thursday and then Friday is Aloha Friday so they can wear whatever they want. Gracie had a half day on Wednesday and she had a ton of fun, but they didn't get to ride the bus. I was so excited for her, I know she is ready for school and she will do well.

Gracie getting on the bus for the first time.

Gracie sitting by one of her friends on the bus. (Yes I asked if I could take a picture, the bus driver let me)

The bus drops them off at school about 7;15, but they can not go into their classrooms until 7:50. Here all the schools have doors that open to the outside, there are no halls like I was use to. So they offer them breakfast before school starts. We decided this was a good thing it gives her something to do while waiting for school to start. Plus we don't have to worry about eating before school. So yes on the first day I followed the bus to school just to make sure she knew what to do when she got off the bus, and to help her figure out where to go and get breakfast. I am glad I went. They said there would be people there to help, but there was not enough help for all the kids that were there.

Now it's time for school to start so it's off to her classroom, where Mrs. Scott is her teacher. I won't see her again until 2:30 p.m. It is a long day for the kids, but I think she will enjoy it.

This is Gracie on her half day of school. That is one of her many "fancy" Wheeler Elementary" T-shirts. At least it makes picking out clothes easy.

Gracie with her lunch box. She has decided to take a lunch some days and some days eat at school. We look ahead and see what she will and what she won't eat so we know when to send a lunch and when she can eat there.