Can I just say what a week.
Deven has started radiology so that was
suppose to mean great hours and less stress... right... WRONG!!! I don't know who is more exhausted this week. He has been leaving at 4:30 every morning and getting home around 7:30. Did I mention he has to find time to study on his own on top of this. He has tests and
quizzes every week. (I thought we were done with school). This past week Gracie was sick and Dylan had to get
immunizations. That left me with two adorable but needy kids. So we had to hunker down and didn't get to leave the house much. So the weekend came,
Deven got up early to get his studying all done and then he was going to finish fixing our leaky bathroom faucet. Why is it that every home repair always takes longer than anticipated. Well 5 hours later and about 10 trips to City Mill and
Walmart I have a working faucet again. It was late but we all needed to get out of the house. We went and got some dinner and headed to North Shore for some beach fun. We all enjoyed it!!! On a
positive note my little guy is not so little anymore. At 3
mths he weighs 13lbs 13 oz. and is 25 inches long. He is in the 75% for height and about the 50
th% for weight. We are just loving him and love watching his personality start to come out.

Gracie had to take her baby to beach as well. She had it in the water with a diaper until the diaper got water logged and we had to get rid of it. She has become such a great big sister it is fun to see her interact with Dylan more and more.
Deven is sure he is going to raise a boy who loves the beach. So far he is doing a good job. We made him a sand chair and he seemed to like it.
Deven and kids in the water.
Let's hope that little boy doesn't get his dad's mammal genes. If you know what I mean!!!
Shirece, I am intrigued by your comment. You can't just say something like "mammal genes" and not explain yourself. Does it have something to do with an extremely hairy chest?
Bummer that Deven is so busy! I would say hopefully it gets better, but it sounds like it's going to be hectic for a while yet to come.
I just started my new job and it's a lot of hours. We'll see how I hold up. You're lucky the beach is just a quick drive away! I will really be jealous when winter rolls around again.
I hate those kind of busy weeks! But, they go by fast! Your kids are so dang cute!
Sarah was crying yesterday for Gracie. One of these days her and I need to fly out there.
I'm so sorry things have been hectic and the kids were not feeling the best, either. That's no fun. Hopefully things will calm down and Deven's schedule will ease up, too. I can't believe how much Dylan has changed since his newborn pictures. What a cutie! He and Gracie really do look like twinners.
I'm so jealous. I want to go be a beach bum so bad. This staying close to home really doesn't work for me. Will you let me come next summer for a visit?
I'm so jealous. I want to go be a beach bum so bad. This staying close to home really doesn't work for me. Will you let me come next summer for a visit?
That's funny about Gracie only giving you the ones she doesn't like because Sarah only contributed the ones she didn't want so really you were getting the ones that Sarah didn't want and then out of those the ones Gracie didn't like! hahaha. I'll have to tell you the whole story sometime.
Too bad that Deven has to work so much but your beach pictures look like you were having fun.
that pic of dylan in the sand is awesome!
i cant believe how big dylan is getting. I hope devens next rotations gets better. cant wait to catch up on everything this week.
I want to come visit! It looks like you live in HEAVEN! Your family is beautiful. Love you guys!
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