We hope everyone had a great 4
th of July. We took advantage of the festivities on
Schofield Base this year. They had a carnival and booths set up. We let Gracie ride some rides and play some games. We of course had to have shaved ice to cool us off in the hot sun, but it was a fun day for the whole family.
Deven was lucky enough to get Thursday, Friday, and Saturday off so we had a fun weekend. On Friday morning we had our neighbor come over and watch the kids while
Deven and I went on a date. He took me surfing. I survived no shark bites to report (anyone who knows me knows that was my biggest fear). I promised him I would try and to be honest I had a ton of fun. It was a great date. He came out with me and for the first little while he would push me when the wave would come so I could catch them, but by the end he made me paddle by myself. It was quite the workout, but a lot of fun. I don't have any pictures cause there was no one to take any, but I am sure we will go again.
Deven had to spend part of the weekend fixing a leaky
bathroom faucet, but we still managed to go to the beach with friends and of course what is the 4
th without a BBQ.

Gracie waiting for the fireworks to start. It actually got chilly at night. It was a refreshing change. It is always fun to put on jackets or cuddle in blankets.

Dylan and I waiting for the fireworks. We weren't sure how he would handle all the noise, but he just wanted to take it all in. He was awake and alert for most of it.

Gracie and I sharing a shaved ice at the
festivities. Shaved ice is quite a tradition in our family. We get them quite often. (May be cause it is always hot here)

Dylan was a trooper but he passed out during the carnival.

Gracie on the rides.

Happy 4
th of July. We always feel a sense of patriotism around the 4
th. It is hard not to being part of the military. We enjoyed the base celebration and the tributes to the soldiers out there.
Deven had lots of time to spend with the kids this weekend and both of them loved it. Gracie and Dylan loved to get bounced on daddy's knee. Gracie thought it was so funny because it was making Dylan make funny noises. The laughter was contagious.

Gracie is becoming such a great big sister. Dylan was crying Thursday morning so Gracie went and got him a toy that made noise. She turned it on and gave it to him. It calmed him down and the toy kept him occupied for the next little while.

I just had to throw this picture in here. Dylan has started to love bath time. He loves to kick in the water and he is always so happy and cuddly when he gets out. He started to smile at 2 months, but we just can't get enough of that grin.
On a side note. Deven finished up his intern year. They made a big deal out of it, he had a graduation ceremony and everything. We were in Utah when it happend, but someone else took pictures and hopefully they will email them to us so we can post them. Deven is now officially in radiology. He is now a R2. We are so proud of him and excited for him.