I guess all good things must come to an end. Tomorrow we head back to Hawaii. We have spent the past 5 weeks with family and friends. We have had tons of fun, and we miss
Deven a lot but find it hard to believe how fast this trip went. Dylan has gotten so big and I am sure
Deven will not even
recognize him. We did so many fun things while we were here, some of the pictures are out of order but I am not sure how to fix it so I will just explain as we go. We visited Grandma and Grandpa
Sorensen in Gunnison. Sharon, her family in Perry and
Shirece in St George. We took a trip down to Arizona to see Lisa and most of the family came down there too. We had fun in the pool and of course shopping. We got to see Nana and Grandpa, Deena, and Derek in Provo and spend time with them. We also got to see old friends and cousins. Gracie has had so much fun with everyone and I have enjoyed all the help and even got to sleep in till 10a.m. a couple of times. (something I have not done in years). We just wanted to share some of the highlights of our trip. There are so many pictures I didn't have room to post them all.

Camping out in Grandpa
Sorensen's backyard with
Shirece and all the
Fairbourn cousins. Gracie and Sarah thought this was so cool and they were going to stay in the tent all day long... or so they thought.

Gracie, Nana, Dylan, and I went to Veteran's Memorial Pool in Provo. Gracie has been asking to go here since we arrived. We almost didn't get her to leave.

Gracie, Sarah, and Brittney (under the blankets) waking up after spending the night in the tent.

Of course shopping at the Gateway. We told the kids if they were really good, they could play in the splash pad afterwards. They got soaked, but had a great time.

Gracie and Sarah got to go to build a bear for Sarah's birthday. They picked matching puppy dogs. (I hope her dog is good for us on the way home)

We went hiking in Zions. We met up with the
Fairbourns and spent a day hiking in Zions. This is Gracie and
Shirece coming back down from the emerald pools. I wasn't planning on doing a lot of hiking so you have to love
Gracies thrown together outfit. Luckily Sharon had given Gracie high
shcool musical shoes and we borrowed some socks from Sarah and she was ready to go.

Dylan was trooper as well. I didn't have the warmest clothes for him but we managed. This is Dylan and I at weeping rock.

Dylan and I outside of the cabin we stayed in.

I ran into an old friend at Lisa's graduation. It was so fun to Marcie and her family again.
Lael, her husband, graduated at the same time as Lisa. She had a baby about the same time we did so it was fun to see the
kido's and do some quick catching up.

Nothing like spending time with sisters. We were just waiting for Lisa to make her way into the auditorium.

Nana, took Gracie to Liberty park. It is a little theme park on the way to Salt Lake. Gracie had fun riding in the cars, jumping in jumpy castles, and riding on trains.

Gracie and I in the water boat. Gracie was never quite sure of this one and couldn't wait to get off. Thanks to everyone for a great vacation. We will miss everyone and can't wait till we get to come back again.
What an awesome trip! You fit in so many things in 5 weeks - WOW! It sounds rough heading back to Hawaii. haha. Happy Summer!
I feel bad I didn't get to see you more than I did. I hope you have a safe trip home to Hawaii, and you find all well there. Your kids are absolutely beautiful - I can see why Deven has missed you all.
Sounds like you had a great trip. I wish I could have seen you. It would have been nice catching up! I can't believe how buff your arms look in the pictures. What a fun time!
I am glad you were able to visit family. You sure accomplished alot.
Again, it was great to see you and meet your little man.
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