Well I won't lie, the beach is great but I am starting to realize and accept that I am living on an island. I had a break down this week, when I realized I had been to every store on the Island and I was not going to find what I was looking for. This is not all. It is different culturally and I missed my old way of life. I am going to have to get good at Internet shopping, the only downfall is it cost so much to ship it here. But I got to know my neighbor really good this weekend. Her husband is deployed and she broke her toe Saturday morning. She called Deven to see if he would take a look at it. It is most likely broken but there is not much they will do for a broken toe. She has two young children so Deven and I invited them to come a long with us to the beach. No one wants to be in there house on a Saturday She was able to wrest and prop up her foot while Gracie and her son Adam played quite well together at the beach. It is nice to go to the beach because then I feel like I am on vacation and not stranded on an island where it will take 6-8 weeks to get our carpet here. You got to love it!!! If you sense some sarcasm in this just know it will pass and I will feel so much better tomorrow.

Deven was trying to teach Gracie a few knee boarding tricks on a boogie board. She was yelling "hit it" and Deven would take off.

Gracie and her friend Adam on White Plains Beach.

Deven is determined. He is going to learn how to surf. We rented the board and he headed out. So who won the surf board or him. He was exhausted and only made it to his feet once. I didn't even get a picture I couldn't keep track of him amongst all the surfers. But he will try it again soon. He is persistent.

This picture is kind of gross but a big sperm whale died and washed a shore on a beach on the North Shore. It was causing quite a stir as it was bringing in sharks. They spotted a 9 foot tiger shark swimming there and so they wouldn't let anyone in the water. But we wanted to go up and experience the excitement. It is the big tan blog at the bottom of the rocks. It was so stinky but this doesn't happen very often so we wanted to be a spectator as well. Gracie was so facinated. They have since removed it and that was quite an ordeal as half of the whale fell out of the truck onto the highway and closed the road down for a couple of hours. When a road closes down on the island everyone feels the effects.
A dead whale is definitely something not to miss! Even though I agree with you, it is kind of gross. Too bad about the shopping. Good luck with your carpet!
Internet shopping can be fun. Look at the bright side you don't have to deal with people and the crowds.
The beach as always looks fun.
I am just so sorry to hear about your break down. That is just so sad. Maybe try having a break down because you don't have a job or your boyfriend dumped you, or your 26 years old and living with your parents; if these occur to you then we will talk break downs.
P.S. Sarah told me to tell Gracie her swim suit is immodest because it is showing her belly.
I have to say that Gracie looks darling and she is quite the adventurous gal. What a site to see a dead beached whale. Yuck! I love your beach pics. You can keep them coming.
that is so cool that you went to see the whale. Those are great pictures of the kids. Lets keep on getting together to do stuff. It has been grat to get to you know you and your family.
It looks like you're having a great time in Hawaii. I'm jealous. Blogs are a great way to keep in touch, aren't they? Hopefully you won't mind me checking it out every now and then.
Brent thinks you won't know who I am if I leave a comment. Silly Brent.
Cherilyn Oliver
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