All of my sisters came d0wn to Arizona with us (OK except for Lisa who lives there so we took advantage of it and spent the week at her house. ) Thanks Lisa for letting us crash and have so much fun together.

And yes I know Deven was the guest of honor, but he is a great cook so we put him to work he was in charge of the barbecue. He did a great job the chicken was superb!!! That is one other reason I married him the man can cook.

The moment we were all waiting for. Deven received his degree. Gracie barely made it through the graduation ceremony, so when it was time to take pictures forget it she was not going to hold still one more minute, I really don't blame her. Deven's family was so proud.

One of my favorite events of the day, was when Deven was commissioned as a Captain in the US Army. Eydie and I got to pin on his captain pins. Our really really good friends Scott and Tara Leifson also graduated and are also part of the Army. Scott's dad is an officer and so Deven asked if he would commission him as well. It meant a lot to us to have good friends to the honor.

Deven being sworn in as a Captain.

One of the most shocking events of the week for me was at Deven's award banquet. He had nominated me for the Donna Jones award. This is an award given to a spouse to honor them for their sacrifices while the husband goes through medical school. I knew he had nominated me but I didn't feel like I deserved it more than any other spouse out there. But he wrote a very nice letter and I won. I was so overwhelmed and thankful for a great husband who took the time to write the letter. I really appreciated his thoughtfulness to me. I didn't need to win, but I loved the letter he wrote for me, I guess it was his way of saying thank you. I love you Deven and I am grateful for all of the hard work you have put into things these past years to succeed. I know that you will continue to be successful.

We met up with our good friends and had a pizza party. It was so amazing to see where life is taking everybody now. And I am excited to say that life has now taken us to Hawaii we arrived this afternoon. The last couple of days have been full of such emotion as I knew this day was about to come. I cried all night and all morning as we said good bye to really good friends and to our family. As I sat on the long plane ride, I kept thinking about how nice it was to know the return flight is an hour shorter, then I remembered wait I don't have a return flight we are moving there! It hasn't quite sunk in yet we will be in a hotel for a couple of weeks until we can get into our house so for now I feel like I am on a vacation. I just want to say thank you to everyone who made last week so great. It was so fun to see all of our friends and family and now I say COME VISIT US!!!
Congratulations to Devan and to you Shirlyn for receiving your award! That is very thoughtful of him. I hope you guys are doing well in Hawaii. Your pictures look great.
Wow!! That sounds like a crazy week! Congratulations to both of you! And Hawaii sounds like a great place to be stationed for a few years. Enjoy it!
What fun and beautiful pictures. I hope that you love Hawaii. Congratulations to both of you. You have both worked so hard you deserve all the praise in the world.
I know exactly how you are feeling. I read your post and experienced all of the same emotions through out the whole graduation week and now into the move. But wasnt graduation awesome! It feels so good to be done with that part! We are still on the house hunt, so hotel living it is for now. But good luck in Hawaii.
Congrats to both of you! It's so nice to see pics of your family. I wouldn't even consider your not deserving that award. You are a wonderful wife and mom and you deserved The DJ Award a hundred times over! Good luck in Hawaii!
Congratulations to you and Deven on everything. You deserved your spouse award. It looked like you guys had fun with family and friends. I hope your finding Hawaii a nice place to live.
CONGRATULATIONS! You both deserve to be recognized & I'm so happy you got the chances. That's awesome!
Congratulations to both of you! I bet you just took a big sigh of relief! That is great about the award...you should feel honored. Good luck in Hawaii. You'll have to post a ton of pictures!
Wow what a neat week! Congratulations to both you and Devan. What cool things to have happening to you. You all look so great! I'm glad to hear you have made it safely there and that you have had some fun. Gracie looks adorable in the water. I'm so glad your family was able to be there too. Congrats again.
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