Well we are getting ready to fly home tomorrow. It has been a fun, stressful, exhausting trip. We managed to squeeze in a little much needed fun as house hunting was getting to both of us. So
Deven and the dive leader convinced me to dive the ship wreck. I was reluctant but I gave in to peer pressure. In this case I am so glad I did. I dove 102 feet to see the ship wreck (the Sea Tiger). It was one of the coolest things I have ever done. I even saw an eel and I didn't freak out too bad. I just kept my distance. (They are so creepy looking... at least that is what I think, you can form your own opinion I am sharing my picture of it with you). Today we put an offer in and are just waiting to hear if they will accept it or not, so
Deven and I drove around to find a beach we had never been to watch the sun set. It turned out to be beautiful. It was a beach just before the north shore. It was so calm and we needed that tonight. I hate waiting. We are hoping for good news. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
I will keep my fingers cross for you guys in getting your home. The pictures look great. The beach looks beautiful. You two look like a happy couple in love.
Wow! What an amazing dive that looks like! Good luck on getting the house!
THat looks amazing! O how we wish we were you guys- Hawaii looks so great! We are in the same boat we just go back from Washington DC and put an offer on a house also. We are in a bidding war so its not looking so promising! THis is so stressful! WE may have to find something over the internet if this doesnt work out! ahhh! ANyways I hope things go well- I will check back for more fun pics.
Those pictures are awesome! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers in hopes you get the home you love. Good luck with everything!
Good luck on getting the house. I am so excited for you. I can't wait to come visit. The diving pictures look awesome. That is so cool that you got certified.
Best of luck with the house. How fun! You two are an awesome couple & I'm wishing you the best with all these exciting changes!
I sure hope you get your home! Your dive looks amazing! I am so proud of you being so brave! You look like you will fit in well with the natives. I hope we can come out there while you are still there!:) I know you have a few years but I still hope we get there!
sorry I forgot to add I need your email so I can invite you to my blog-also Lisa's if you don't mind. carlson.julie@gmail.com Thanks
It looks like a great trip. Scuba looks so fun. I am a little claustrophobic so I just stick with snorkeling. That is great you found a house! I hope everything goes smoothly for you.
Congratulations on the house hunt. I hope you had a fun trip. I like the scuba pictures. Thanks again for your help with letting me use Matt as a patient. It went really well. I love the surf board mirror by the way. I can't believe Devin made that. It looks like it's straight from the catalog.
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