Well we are excited to be in the month of February. We have had a busy week. We started the week off with a huge snow storm, and spent one night just taking in all the snow, it snowed all day long. I can't believe how much snow we have here. But I sapose it is a good thing we need a good winter. But this weekend was a really nice change. The sun was out all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I wanted to spend all afternoon outside enjoying the semi warm weather and the SUN, I love the Sun!!! Gracie got invited to a princess party this weekend and she was so excited that a princess came and visited. She talked about it all day, it is amazing how fascinated she is with princesses. Finally on Saturday night we decied to try out the ice skating rink. We thought we should take advantage of this, since I don't think there will be ice skating in Hawaii. Gracie had a blast, it took her a lot of convincing and a lot of warming up but by the end she was catching on and could hold her own around the rink, of course we had to hold her hands but it was so fun to see her and watch her confidence grow.
I loved the ice skating pictures.That looks like so much fun. Gracie is a cutie!
Its so fun to see you guys in these pictures. Thanks for the email all the info was so helpful! Gracie is so adorable!
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