Happy Birthday to my two beautiful children. Rain or not the birthday party was a ton of fun. This year we combined the two kids birthdays and just had one big party.
Deven is going to be gone when Dylan actually turns two so we thought it would be fun to just celebrate together and then he wouldn't have to miss the party. We have made such good friends here and it was fun to get together with them and share a fun day at the beach. Even though it was a rainy day, no one seemed to care and everyone still had fun. This was the last day before
Deven flew to Washington DC for a couple of months so it was a much needed relaxing afternoon for our family.

Gracie has wanted a bounce house for her birthday since we moved here. We have been stalling but decided this would be the year. She was so excited and they all had so much fun!!!

Dylan (yes he is in his pajama shirt, he wouldn't take it off and I didn't feel like a fight) but he loved just hanging out with everyone.

This face says it all. NAUGHTY... we love Dylan but he is just that our little stinker.

I have come to accept the fact that when you have a mother who loves diet coke, you are bound to have children who follow after. I don't always let him have it, but hey it was his birthday party. You know it's bad when you go through
McDonalds drive through and Dylan says "I want coke" I am working on it

Rain or not the kids still had fun playing at the beach. I guess you are going to get wet one way or the other.

bounce house fun!!!!

Nothing like food, friends, and fun... and it will always be a great day! Thank you everyone who made this day so great for our kids.

This is the morning Gracie actually turned 7. It was a great day for her treats to her class and even more treats to her hula class. Her favorite dinner of orange chicken. She had a great day! Happy Birthday Princess. I hate to admit that she is growing up. I am afraid the days of dressing up in princess clothes are almost over. I am not sure how I feel about the days of Justin Beiber LOL. She can be found in her room with her music blaring and her dancing and singing to him. But she is turning in a to great older sister and she does things all the time to make us so proud of her. We love you Gracie!!!

Gracie was nominated for the character trait of the month. HONESTY We were very proud of her, during her lunch they brought them up on the stage and gave them a certificate and of course ice cream afterwards. I got to go and have lunch with her. She was so excited and so was I. We love you Gracie.