I can't complain we have had quite an eventful summer. We have managed to keep ourselves quite busy. We do not have air conditioning (hopefully that will all change by the time I get back from the mainland) so I have to get out of the house in the heat of the day. We have gone to the zoo, the beach, the mall, and of course the water park. But on days like today when all of her friends came over to play we created our own water park and let the kids splash around in the pool. We are excited to head to the mainland in just a couple of days. So much to still do to get ready, but it will be so nice to have some peace and family time.
Deven has been gone almost every night since June started so he is ready for a break. Plus he has not been off the island for two years now. I think he is going to be shocked when he gets back to the mainland.

Dylan enjoying his time outside. He is trying so hard to climb up the slide, he thinks that is as much fun as sliding down the slide.

All of the kids in the pool (well most of them) They blew up float rings and had a great time.

Nothing like a nice relaxing day at the pool

This is one of the last things we get to do with her friends Adam and
Breanna. They are moving to Washington State here in a couple of weeks. They have been our neighbors for the past couple of years and were the first friends Gracie made here. The above group took Gracie in when we moved here and they became instant friends. It is going to be hard for her see some of them move away. I thought it would be fun to have all the kids come over...I mean
Deven had to work all day... (while the parents got a little date). The kids had fun and that is what matters.

Of course there is the splash park we did this for mothers group this week. It was a lot of fun as well. If there is water the kids love it.

Gracie being a JR Zoo Keeper at the Zoo.

And of course the beach. On Memorial Day we got together with some friends and had a BBQ and fire pit. We love nice quiet evenings on the beach and this was no exception. The night was GREAT!!!
Deven grilling up some food.

We even got to see some turtles on the beach and
Deven and the guys went out snorkeling with them. They were everywhere. We saw their heads popping up in water all night. It was a lot of fun. I still get excited when we see turtles here.

The kids playing in the sand.