Well I am not sure if I loved this day or if it made me sad. This year went by way to fast. It seems like just yesterday I brought him home from the hospital. It has been such a joy to watch him grow up. He was such a sweet baby. He is still my sweet little boy but it is fun to see his personality come out... and I think I am in for a treat. Dylan is a crawling tornado. He can pull things apart faster than I can put things back together. He has already discovered
toilets and yes he loves to splash in them. He screams like a
velosaraptor when he wants something. I have been trying to teach him signs for months now. He just laughs and at me and then screams again, and then he smiles. He has no desire for now to even try. He loves dirt, and rocks, remote controls, and any gadget he can find. (
Deven's I-pod touch, or our cell phones.) He is such a boy. He love to get dirty and loves to throw his food on the floor, especially if he doesn't like something. He has already figured out how to tease Gracie. She gets mad and he keeps doing it. He will chase her around she screams and he laughs. He pesters her in shopping carts. If he is in the front and she is in the back he turns around and touches her until she gets mad and of course he laughs. He wants whatever she has and he will stop at nothing to get it, Gracie get so frustrated and is constantly shutting him out of her room. He just pounds at the door and screams for her to let him back in. We just love him so much. My days have become busy chasing him around but I love it!!! Happy Birthday Dylan! We love you!

He loved to have Happy Birthday sung to him. He just smiled the whole time.

didn't know what to do with the candle. He just wanted to grab it so Gracie helped him out.

He held nothing back when he got his cupcake. He ate it and squished it.

We gave him a bath after the cake and I had to just hold him and squeeze him as much as I could. I can't believe he is already one.