Well it has been a crazy couple of weeks. My mom got here on Mothers Day and it was really nice to have her since
Deven was in Texas doing some training that week. We had tons of fun so as promised to all the sisters here are some of our adventures. We are now getting ready to head to the airport because I am flying home with my mom for a few weeks to visit the rest of my family. I am excited it has been a year since we have been home so I might not be able to post for a while, I will do my best. But I will still check in from time to time to see what everyone is up to. This is my mom, Gracie, Dylan and I at the Polynesian Cultural Center. We enjoyed the villages, dinner and of course the show.

Gracie learned how to weave as we went throughout the villages. She also found herself a crown and felt like a princess.

Grandma and Gracie on the boat ride through the villages.

Dylan and I got to spend lots of time in the shade, so here he is kicking around for a bit.

My mom and Gracie took a submarine ride down at Waikiki they saw a shipwreck, airplane wreck and sting rays.

We took Grandma to the Temple and saw an art show that was on exhibit.

We took a trip to the North Shore and of course had to get a famous shaved ice.

We took Grandma to our favorite beach 3 Tables, Grandmas was not planning on getting very wet so she didn't wear her suit. Gracie had other ideas and before you knew it she had Grandmas out there boogie boarding. Gracie was great teacher.

My mom enjoying the water at 3 table. It was fun to have you come mom and we are
exited to travel home with you for more adventures. We are on our way to the airport so we will report when we can